王慧枝,中国科学技术大学苏州高等研究院特任副研究员,主要从事数字骨科、生物力学、可穿戴生物力学监测技术、运动医学与康复等研究。已发表相关论文29篇,申请/授权国家专利4项。获姑苏创新领军人才计划项目、上海市“超级博士后”激励计划、国自然青年科学基金、中国博士后面上项目基金等资助。此外,担任SCI期刊Frontiers in Sports and Active Living及Bioengineering-Basel编委。
2016/08-2017/08,美国匹兹堡大学骨肌研究中心,Pre-doctoral fellow
wang_huizhi8866@163.com; wang_huizhi8866@ustc.edu.cn
1. 姑苏创新领军人才计划项目: “穿戴式肌肉力动态监测系统的研发”, 2024.12–2027.12, 主持.
2. 国自然青年科学基金项目: “前交叉韧带-骨界面宏微观形态及其对界面力传导的影响”, 2022.01–2024.12, 主持, 项目批准号: 32101050.
3. 上海市“超级博士后”激励计划项目: “ACL 骨止点解剖生物力学的定量化评估及其仿生支架的设计”, 2022.01–2023.12, 主持, 项目批准号: 2020262.
4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目: “前交叉韧带-骨界面超微观形态及力学属性对其力传导特点的影响机制”, 2022.01-2024.12, 主持, 项目批准号:2021M702129.
1. 2024.10: 姑苏创新领军人才计划
2. 2020.12: 2020年度上海市“超级博士后”激励计划
3. 2014.06: 北京市优秀毕业生(市级,北京市,全院共1名)
4. 2013.12: 北京市三好学生(市级,北京市,全院共1名)
5. 2013.12: 一等奖学金(校级,首都医科大学,全院共2名)
6. 2012.12: 北京市三好学生(市级,北京市,全院共1名)
7. 2012.12: 一等奖学金(校级,首都医科大学,全院共2名)
8. 2011.12: 第二十八届全国部分地区大学生物理竞赛B类二等奖(国家级,中国)
1. Wang H#, Yao G#, He K, Wang Z*, Cheng C-K*. ACL reconstruction combined with anterolateral structure reconstruction for treating ACL rupture and knee injuries: a finite element analysis[J]. Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 2024, 12:1437684.
2. Wang H, He K, Cheng C-K*. The structure, biology and mechanical function of tendon/ligament-bone interfaces[J]. Tissue Eng Part B-Re, 2024, DOI:10.1089/ten.TEB.2023.0295
3. Wang H, Zhang Z, Shi Q, Zeng Y-M, Cheng C-K*. Correlation between Morphological Features of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament: A Quantitative Study Using a Porcine Model[J]. Front Vet Sci, 2023, 10:1115068.
4. Wang H, Fang C, Tao M, et al., Hourglass-shaped Grafts Are Superior to Conventional Grafts for Restoring Knee Stability and Graft Force at Knee Flexion Angle of 30° Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: a finite element analysis[J]. Front Bioeng Biotech, 2022, 10:967411.
5. Wang H, Tao M, Shi Q, He K, Cheng C-K*. Graft Diameter Should Reflect the Size of the Native Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) to Improve the Outcome of ACL Reconstruction: A Finite Element Analysis[J]. Bioengineering-Basel, 2022, 9(10):507.
6. Shi Q, Wang H*, He K, Tao M, Cheng C-K*. Comparison of the morphology of the anterior cruciate ligament and related bony structures between pigs and humans[J]. Front Vet Sci, 2022, 9:1045785.
7. Cheng R#, Wang H#, Dimitriou D, Jiang Z, Cheng C-K*, Tsai T-Y*. Central femoral tunnel placement can reduce stress and strain around bone tunnels and graft more than anteromedial femoral tunnel in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction[J]. Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng, 2022, e3590.
8. Wang H#, Zhang Z#, Qu Y, Shi Q, Ai S*, Cheng C-K*. Correlation between ACL size and dimensions of bony structures in the knee joint[J]. Ann Anat, 2022, 241:151906.
9. Cheng R#, Wang H#, Jiang Z, Dimitriou D, Cheng C-K*, Tsai T-Y*. The femoral tunnel drilling angle at 45° coronal and 45° sagittal provided the lowest peak stress and strain on the bone tunnels and anterior cruciate ligament graft[J]. Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 2021, 9:797389.
10. Wang H, Zhang M, Cheng C-K*. A novel protection liner to improve graft-tunnel interaction following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a finite element analysis[J]. J Orthop Surg Res, 2020, 15(1):1-10.
11. Wang H, Zhang B, Cheng C-K*. Stiffness and shape of the ACL graft affects tunnel enlargement and graft wear[J]. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 2020, 28(7):2184-2193.
12. Wang H, Zhang M, Cheng CK*. Changing the diameter of the bone tunnel is more effective than changing the tunnel shape for restoring joint functionality after ACL reconstruction. Front Bioeng Biotechnol[J], 2020, 8:173.
13. Wang H, Kang H, Yao J, Cheng C-K*, Woo SL-Y*. Evaluation of a magnesium ring device for mechanical augmentation of a ruptured ACL: Finite element analysis[J]. Clin Biomech, 2019, 68:122-127.
1. 王慧枝, 郑诚功, “一种韧带移植物固定装置”(202211586138.5), 上海交通大学, 2022/12/11. (发明专利,实审中)
2. 郑诚功,聂茂丹,王慧枝.“一种新型韧带重建系统”(CN 217138354 U),上海交通大学,2022/08/09. (实用新型专利,已授权)
3. 王慧枝,郑诚功, “喇叭状植入物” (CN 209301404 U) 北京航空航天大学,2019/08/27.(实用新型专利,已授权)
4. 王慧枝,郑诚功,“喇叭状植入物及其植入方法” (CN 109567983 B) 北京航空航天大学,2020/12/22.(发明专利,已授权)