高飞,中国科学技术大学特任研究员、博士生导师,入选中科院青年人才计划(择优)。2017年以独立PI成立混合成像系统实验室HISLab(Hybrid Imaging System Laboratory),致力于光声成像技术的前沿基础研究,设备与算法研发,以及临床转化应用。
- 2009年:获西安交通大学微电子学士学位
- 2015年:获新加坡南洋理工大学电气与电子工程博士学位(导师:Prof. Yuanjin Zheng)
- 发表高水平学术论文180余篇,总引用次数超过3500次
- 担任《Photoacoustics》(中科院一区)、《Medical Physics》、《Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology》,《IEEE Photonics Journal》等SCI期刊编委/副主编
- 超声领域旗舰会议IEEE IUS技术委员会委员(TPC Member)
- 光声成像技术国际标准委员会委员
- 授权发明专利10余项
- 中科院青年人才计划(择优)(2025年)
- 上海市“东方学者”特聘教授(2017年)
- Springer Thesis Award (2015年)
- 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(2014年)
1. Youshen Xiao, Yuting Shen, Bowei Yao, Xiran Cai, Yuyao Zhang*, Fei Gao*, “Limited-View Photoacoustic Imaging Reconstruction Via High-quality Self-supervised Neural Representation”, Photoacoustics, to appear (2025) (Preprint: arXiv:2407.03663)
2. Wei Fu, Wenshuo Zhu, Jiawei Liu, Luyao Zhu, Yi Li*, Fei Gao*, Yuan Gao*, “A Self-Adaptively Bandwidth-Adjustable Receiver Analog Front-End for Sensitive Photoacoustic Signal Detection ”, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, to appear (2024)
3. Jing Lv†, Hengrong Lan†, Aoji Qin, Tong Sun, Dan Shao, Fei Gao, Junjie Yao, and Kamran Avanaki, and Liming Nie*, “Dynamic synthetic-scanning photoacoustic tracking monitors hepatic and renal clearance pathway of exogeneous probes in vivo”Light: Science & Applications, to appear (2024)
4. Chao Tian, Kang Shen, Wende Dong, Fei Gao, Kun Wang, Jiao Li, Songde Liu, Ting Feng, Chengbo Liu, Changhui Li, Meng Yang*, Sheng Wang*, and Jie Tian*, “Image reconstruction from photoacoustic projections”Photonics Insights, to appear (2024)
5. Li Liu, Ang Li, Yisong Zhao, Luyao Zhu, Yongjian Zhao*, and Fei Gao*, “An Umbrella-Inspired Snap-On Robotic 3D Photoacoustic Endoscopic Probe for Augmented Intragastric Sensing: Proof of Concept”Photoacoustics, 35, 100568 (2024) (Preprint: DOI:10.2139/ssrn.4358752 ).
6. Yuting Shen†, Jiadong Zhang†, Daohuai Jiang, Zijian Gao, Yuwei Zheng, Feng Gao, and Fei Gao*, “S-Wave Accelerates Optimization-based Photoacoustic Image Reconstruction in vivo”, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 50, 18-27 (2024)
7. Daohuai Jiang†, Luyao Zhu†, Shangqing Tong†, Yuting Shen†, Feng Gao, Fei Gao*, “Photoacoustic imaging plus X: a review”,, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 29, S1, S11513 (2024) (invited review). (Preprint: arXiv:2309.02638 )
8. Meng Zhou, Fei Gao*, and Raymond Kai-yu TONG*, “Boundary-Enhanced and Density-Guided Contrastive Learning for Semi/Weakly-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation”, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM ), 2024.
9. Shangqing Tong†, Hengrong Lan†, Daohuai Jiang, Liming Nie, Jianwen Luo*, and Fei Gao*, “Score-based Generative Models for Photoacoustic Image Reconstruction with Rotation Consistency Constraints”, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI ), 2024. (Preprint: arXiv:2306.13843)
10. Jialuo He, Hengrong Lan, Shangqing Tong, and Fei Gao*, “TFDT-Net: Improving Photoacoustic Imaging Reconstruction with Learnable Filter Transformer”, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI ), 2024.
11. Ruixi Sun, Zihao Huang, Fan Zhang, Feng Gao, and Fei Gao*, “Adaptive-Subtraction Electromagnetic Interference Noise Reduction for Photoacoustic Imaging In Vivo” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS ), 2024 (oral)
12. Bowei Yao, Haizhao Dai, Youshen Xiao, Jingyi Yu*, Fei Gao*, Xiran Cai*, “Photoacoustic Computed Tomography with Sparse Data Using Neural Radiance Fields” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS ), 2024 (oral)
13. Youshen Xiao, Bowei Yao, Yuting Shen, Xiran Cai*, and Fei Gao*, “Unsupervised Neural Representation for Limited-View Photoacoustic Imaging Reconstruction” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS ), 2024.
14. Sheng Liao, Fan Zhang, Yuwei Zheng, Shangqing Tong, Yuting Shen, Feng Gao, Hulin Zhao, and Fei Gao*, “Photoacoustic Digital Eye and Image Reconstruction in 3D” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS ), 2024.
15. Yuwei Zheng, Ruixi Sun, Yuting Shen, Daohuai Jiang, Fengyu Liu, Feng Gao*, and Fei Gao*, “SmartDAQ: Intelligent Data Acquisition System Enables Low-Latency Photoacoustic Imaging System” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS ), 2024.
16. Fan Zhang, Shangqing Tong, Ruixi Sun, Sheng Liao, Yuwei Zheng, Feng Gao, Hulin Zhao, and Fei Gao*, “3D Photoacoustic Digital Brain and Multi-Speed-of-Sound Image Reconstruction” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS ), 2024.