  • 文章来源:生物医学工程
  • 阅读次数:3940
  • 2024-10-09

申书伟博士为中国科学技术大学苏州高等研究院特任副研究员,硕士生导师。2013年本科毕业于长安大学工程机械学院机械电子工程系;2019年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学大精密机械与精密仪器系;之后在中国科学技术大学大附属第一医院从事博士后研究;2021年加入中国科学技术大学苏州高等研究院。研究方向包括生物医学仿生仿体的三维打印、智能诊疗一体化(人工智能和智能给药)、医疗仪器标准化。在高影响力SCI/EI期刊上发表了16篇学术论文,申请专利12项 。


E- Mail:swshen@ustc.edu.cn


[1] Qu, Y., Smith, Z. J., Tyler, K., Chang, S., Shen, S., Sun, M., & Xu, R. X. (2021). Applying limiting entropy to quantify the alignment of collagen fibers by polarized light imaging. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 18(3), 2331-2356.

[2] Zhou W, Su H, Shen S, et al. Co–Ni Nanoalloy–Organic Framework Electrocatalysts with Ultrahigh Electron Transfer Kinetics for Efficient Oxygen Reduction[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8(17): 6898-6904.

[3] Ma C, Shen S, Liu G, et al. Multimodal 3D Printing of Phantoms to Simulate Biological Tissue[J]. Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 2020 (155). (共一)

[4] Wang M, Shen S, Yang J, et al. 3D printing method for freeform fabrication of optical phantoms simulating heterogeneous biological tissue[C]//Design and Performance Validation of Phantoms Used in Conjunction with Optical Measurement of Tissue VI. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014, 8945: 894509.

[5] Shen S, Wu Q, Han Y, et al. Fabricating optical phantoms to simulate skin tissue properties and microvasculatures[C] Design and Performance Validation of Phantoms Used in Conjunction with Optical Measurement of Tissue Vii. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015, 9325: 932507.

[6] Han Y., Jia Q., Shen S., Liu G., Guo Y., Zhou X., Chu J., Zhao G., Dong E.,Allen D. W., Optical characterization of tissue mimicking phantoms by a vertical double integrating sphere system, in:  Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies IX, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016, pp. 97000A

[7] Dong E, Wang M, Shen S, et al. 3D printing of tissue-simulating phantoms as a traceable standard for biomedical optical measurement[C] Seventh International Symposium on Precision Mechanical Measurements. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016, 9903: 990302.

[8] Shen S., Zhao Z., Wang H., Han Y., Dong E., Liu B., Liu W., Cromeens B., Adler B.,Besner G., Freeform fabrication of tissue-simulating phantoms by combining three-dimensional printing and casting, in:  Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies IX, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016, pp. 970009.

[9] Zhao Z., Zhou X., Shen S., Liu G., Yuan L., Meng Y., Lv X., Shao P., Dong E.,Xu R. X., 3D printing of tissue-simulating phantoms for calibration of biomedical optical devices, in:  Optics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics VII, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016, pp. 100240N.

[10] Shen S., Wang H., Xue Y., Yuan L., Zhou X., Zhao Z., Dong E., Liu B., Liu W.,Cromeens B. Freeform fabrication of tissue-simulating phantom for potential use of surgical planning in conjoined twins separation surgery. Scientific reports. 2017, 7: 11048. )

[11] Wang H., Shen S. W., Qu Y., Sun M. Z., Dong E., Shao P. F.,Xu R. X., Simulating tissue fiberation and polarization properties in solid phantoms (Conference Presentation), in:  Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies X, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2017, pp. 100560F.

[12] Liu G., Huang K., Jia Q., Liu S., Shen S., Li J., Dong E., Lemaillet P., Allen D. W.,Xu R. X. Fabrication of a multilayer tissue-mimicking phantom with tunable optical properties to simulate vascular oxygenation and perfusion for optical imaging technology. Applied optics. 2018, 57: 6772-6780.

[13] Liu G., Wu Q., Dwivedi P., Hu C., Zhu Z., Shen S., Chu J., Zhao G., Si T.,Xu R. Hemoglobin-Laden Microcapsules for Simulating Oxygen Dynamics of Biological Tissue. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 2018, 4: 3177-3184.

[14] Lv X., Chen H., Liu G., Shen S., Wu Q., Hu C., Li J., Dong E.,Xu R. X. Design of a portable phantom device to simulate tissue oxygenation and blood perfusion. Applied optics. 2018, 57: 3938-3946.

[15] Chen H, Liu G, Zhang S, et al. Fundus-simulating phantom for calibration of retinal vessel oximetry devices[J]. Applied optics, 2019, 58(14): 3877-3885.

[16] Shen S., Wang H., Qu Y., Huang K., Liu G., Chen Z., Ma C., Shao P., Hong J.,Lemaillet P. Simulating orientation and polarization characteristics of dense fibrous tissue by electrostatic spinning of polymeric fibers. Biomedical optics express. 2019, 10: 571-583.


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[2] [发明] 一种UV光固化血红蛋白颗粒制备生物光学仿体的三维打印系统和方法 201811505354.6;109571940B  刘光丽;邵鹏飞;申书伟;马灿臻;董二宝;李佳洛

[3] [实用新型] 一种用于多功能生理参数检测仪器的校准装置 202020395182.8邵鹏飞;申书伟;马灿臻;董二宝

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[6] [发明] 一种个性化口腔种植辅助导板及种植方法 202110273302.6  张志宏;申书伟;刘红红;陈佳;韩倩;吕静;张莹莹

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[8] [发明] 一种用于皮肤疾病自动诊断分类的便携式设备装置及方法 202110137309.5 申书伟;徐梦娟;姚鹏;邵鹏飞;张帆;李晨梦

[9] [发明] 一种用于多功能生理参数检测仪器的校准装置和方法 202010218290.2 邵鹏飞;申书伟;马灿臻;董二宝

[10] [实用新型] 一种基于微针的个性化智能给药装置 202020405932.5 申书伟;郑致远;邵鹏飞;张志宏;张弛;杨睿婕

[11] [发明] 一种个性化植发装置和方法 202010207374.6 申书伟;郑致远;张弛;邵鹏飞;张志宏

[12] [发明] 生物光学仿体三维打印生产线和方法 201811505318.X  马灿臻;邵鹏飞;董二宝;申书伟
