  • 文章来源:生物医学工程
  • 阅读次数:2848
  • 2023-03-28




本科和硕士毕业于清华大学生物医学工程系,博士毕业于约翰斯霍普金斯大学生物医学工程系,后在美国哥伦比亚大学祖克曼研究所(Zuckerman Institute)从事博士后研究,于2022年入职中国科学技术大学。




1. 2022年入选姑苏创新创业领军人才计划

2. 2021年入选中科院人才计划

3. 2019年哥伦比亚大学School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) Translational Fellows Award

4. 2018年入选北美Phi Beta Kappa荣誉学会


1. Liang W, Chen D, Guan H, Park HC, Li K, Li A, Li MJ and Li X. Label-Free metabolic imaging in vivo by two-photon fluorescence lifetime endomicroscopy. ACS Photonics (2022) https://doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.2c01493

2. Patel KB, Liang W, Casper MJ, Voleti V, Zhao HT, Perez-Campos C, Liu JM, Coley SM, and Hillman EMC. High-speed light-sheet microscopy for the in-situ acquisition of volumetric histological images of living tissue. Nature Biomedical Engineering 6, 569-583 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41551-022-00849-7

3. Liang W, Park HC, Li K, Li A, Chen D, Guan H, Yue Y, Gau YT, Bergles DE, Li MJ, Lu H, and Li X. Throughput-speed product augmentation for scanning fiber-optic two-photon endomicroscopy. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 39(12), 3779-3787 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1109/TMI.2020.3005067

4. Li K*, Liang W*, Yang Z, Liang Y, and Wan S. Robust, accurate depth-resolved attenuation characterization in optical coherence tomography. Biomedical Optics Express 11(2), 672-687 (2020)*Equal contributionhttps://doi.org/10.1364/BOE.382493

5. Voleti V, Patel KB, Li W, Campos CP, Bharadwaj S, Yu H, Ford C, Casper MJ, Yan RW, Liang W, Wen C, Kimura KD, Targoff KL, and Hillman EMC. Real-time volumetric microscopy of in vivo dynamics and large-scale samples with SCAPE 2.0. Nature Methods16(10), 1054–1062 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-019-0579-4

6. Li K, Liang W, Mavadia-Shukla J, Park HC, Li D, Yuan W, Wan S, and Li X. Super-achromatic optical coherence tomography capsule for ultrahigh‐resolution imaging of esophagus. Journal of Biophotonics 12(3), e201800205 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1002/jbio.201800205

7. Liang W*, Hall G*, and Li X. Spectro-temporal dispersion management of femtosecond pulses for fiber-optic two-photon endomicroscopy. Optics Express 26(18), 22877-22893 (2018)*Equal contributionhttps://doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.022877

8. Liang W, Hall G, Messerschmidt B, Li MJ, and Li X. Nonlinear optical endomicroscopy for label-free functional histology in vivo. Light: Science and Applications 6, e17082 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1038/lsa.2017.82
